Rsbuild comes with a lightweight CLI that includes commands such as rsbuild dev and rsbuild build.

All commands

To view all available CLI commands, run the following command in the project directory:

npx rsbuild -h

The output is shown below:

  $ rsbuild <command> [options]

  dev      starting the dev server
  build    build the app for production
  preview  preview the production build locally
  inspect  inspect the Rspack and Rsbuild configs

Common flags

Rsbuild CLI provides several common flags that can be used with all commands:

Flag Description
--base <base> Specify the base path of the server, see server.base
-c, --config <config> Specify the configuration file, can be a relative or absolute path, see Specify config file
--config-loader <loader> Specify the config loader, can be jiti or native, see Specify config loader
--env-mode <mode> Specify the env mode to load the .env.[mode] file, see Env mode
--env-dir <dir> Specify the directory to load .env files, see Env directory
--environment <name> Specify the name of environment to build, see Build specified environment
-h, --help Display help for command
-m, --mode <mode> Specify the build mode (development, production or none), see mode
-r, --root <root> Specify the project root directory

rsbuild dev

The rsbuild dev command is used to start a local dev server and compile the source code for development.

Usage: rsbuild dev [options]

  -o, --open [url]      open the page in browser on startup
  --port <port>         specify a port number for Rsbuild Server to listen
  --host <host>         specify the host that the Rsbuild Server listens to

Opening page

The --open option allows you to automatically open a page when starting the dev server, which is equivalent to setting to true.

rsbuild dev --open

The --open option also supports specifying the URL to be opened, for example:

rsbuild dev --open http://localhost:3000/foo

The --open option can also be abbreviated to -o:

rsbuild dev -o

When using and --open at the same time, --open takes precedence.

rsbuild build

The rsbuild build command will build the outputs for production in the dist/ directory by default.

Usage: rsbuild build [options]

  -w --watch            turn on watch mode, watch for changes and rebuild

rsbuild preview

The rsbuild preview command is used to preview the production build outputs locally. Note that you need to execute the rsbuild build command beforehand to generate the build outputs.

Usage: rsbuild preview [options]

  -o, --open [url]      open the page in browser on startup
  --port <port>         specify a port number for Rsbuild Server to listen
  --host <host>         specify the host that the Rsbuild Server listens to

The preview command is only used for local preview. Do not use it for production servers, as it is not designed for that.

rsbuild inspect

The rsbuild inspect command is used to view the Rsbuild config and Rspack config of the project.

Usage: rsbuild inspect [options]

  --output <output>     specify the path to output in the dist (default: ".rsbuild")
  --verbose             show the full function in the result

When you run the command npx rsbuild inspect in the project root directory, the following files will be generated in the dist/.rsbuild directory of the project:

  • rsbuild.config.mjs: Represents the Rsbuild configuration used during the build.
  • rspack.config.web.mjs: Represents the Rspack configuration used during the build.
➜ npx rsbuild inspect

Inspect config succeed, open following files to view the content:

  - Rsbuild Config: /project/dist/.rsbuild/rsbuild.config.mjs
  - Rspack Config (web): /project/dist/.rsbuild/rspack.config.web.mjs

Specifying mode

By default, the inspect command outputs the configuration for the development mode. You can add the --env production option to output the configuration for the production mode:

rsbuild inspect --mode production

Verbose content

By default, the inspect command omits the content of functions in the configuration object. You can add the --verbose option to output the complete content of functions:

rsbuild inspect --verbose

Multiple targets

If the current project has multiple build targets, such as building browser artifact and Node.js artifact simultaneously, multiple Rspack configuration files will be generated in the dist/.rsbuild directory.

➜ npx rsbuild inspect

Inspect config succeed, open following files to view the content:

  - Rsbuild Config (web): /project/dist/.rsbuild/rsbuild.config.web.mjs
  - Rsbuild Config (node): /project/dist/.rsbuild/rsbuild.config.node.mjs
  - Rspack Config (web): /project/dist/.rsbuild/rspack.config.web.mjs
  - Rspack Config (node): /project/dist/.rsbuild/rspack.config.node.mjs